Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Basic site map

Start of December-where am I?

Well, its nowthat start of december and I have my design presentation next week, the 9th. I'm gonna try incorporate all my designs that I've done so far into a powerpoint presentation. The feedback I've gotten on my work so far has been good. I dont know bout anyone else but I'm finding it hard to keep myself focussed between presentations, projects, FYP and exams. Hopefully St. Nick will bring me a bit more drive and clarity. (",)

My first attempt at my design

Monday, November 10, 2008

Coca-Cola design

This is another image along the lines of the design I am going for. http://www.coca-cola.com/template1/index.jsp?locale=en_IE


This web page is at http://www.creaktif.com/ and is the type of design I am going for

Progress Nov 08

I finished my research report and handed up my final proposal. Now I'm looking into the design side of things. I have a few ideas about what I'm going to do. I just have to narrow it down and have a prototype in for December 08.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Whats the story?

Niall Croke here blogging about my FYP. Facinating stuff!